Last Updated on September 17, 2021


As we continue to Reveal The Great Darkness Manifested through the overcomer ministry as Jesus said ” If therefore the Light that is in thee be Darkness, How Great is that Darkness !

” Very Clearly Spoken by Our Lord about the Light of Darkness that Rg Stair manifested & now James Rice is Following in the very same SPIRIT & Footsteps of his Mentor Ralph.

Nothing but LIES ~ Deceit ~ Beguiling as will be shown in these messages.

Just as Jeremiah said in 23::36 For Ye Have Perverted The Words of The Living God, of The LORD of Hosts our God.

The Final Witness on YouTube

Truth Blaster on YouTube

The Final Witness on Bitchute

The Final Witness on Brighteon

The Final Witness on Rumble

The Final Witness on Onevsp


Related:  And Many Shall Follow Their Pernicious Ways ~ Rg Stair - Rice & Rose

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