Last Updated on May 26, 2022


2 Peter 1:15 Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. 16 ” For We Have Not Followed Cunningly Devised Fables”, When WE MADE KNOWN Unto You The POWER and COMING of OUR Lord Jesus The Christ.

Another Message in the Revealing of Perversion & LIES Coming out of The Overcomer Ministry Through the Current Regime of Dotes.

Jesus The Christ is Coming ~ But NOT as Ralph Stair & Those that Follow in His Steps have Proclaimed When Jesus Christ was to APPEAR !!

For Over 30 Year’s Ralph Proclaimed GOD Told Him Jesus would come within 6 months of his Death at the Hands of the Pope !!!

It’s Now over a Year Since His Death of HEART FAILURE !! Still No Appearing of Jesus as HE Proclaimed When Jesus would Come Again !!


False brother Stair was and still is the Greatest False Witness of Salvation & The Coming of Jesus The Christ The World has Ever had.

Where are The Many Thousands that Ole Rg Stair said were Saved under his Preaching & why didn’t They Continue on With Him ?

Many as he showed us Pictures of Were From right Here in S.C. Something Very Fuzzy going on with this!!!


The Final Witness on YouTube

Truth Blaster on YouTube

The Final Witness on Bitchute

The Final Witness on Brighteon

The Final Witness on Rumble

The Final Witness on Onevsp

Related:  GARDEN UPDATE 6~15~2022


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