Former FEMA operative Celeste Solum on what she says is in the Gates Vaccine


Last Updated on December 17, 2022

[The video is back on The Final Witness.  Brand New Tube removed it.]


Excellent Description and Identification of Exactly what is IN The Vaccines and What They are all About and the Truth behind The End Results of all the Vaccines and The Agenda Behind the People who are Orchestrating the Covid and Vaccine Protocols. Extremely Enlightening and filled with a Tremendous amount of True Factual Evidence!!


Related:  Proverbs 15:9 THE WAY of THE WICKED is an ABOMINATION to THE LORD

1 thought on “Former FEMA operative Celeste Solum on what she says is in the Gates Vaccine

  1. This is important, the biostasis and stress are in regards to the vaccine producing protein e1f5b…

    This is why they want lockdowns… This is what they are doing in Australia…

    Lockdowns force this protein to be produced…

    We need to know why they want us to be able to live without oxygen…

    I believe it’s because they want to use us to work on Mars…

    The reason they want to give more time for life saving procedures is because they are going to take the people who die this coming winter and take them into the Walmart FEMA camps under ground and put the nuerolink in their heads and let the ai, demons fallen angels whatever you wanna call them ..

    Those Walmart s that were closed in 2015… For FEMA you should know this….

    The ones in Texas, I think they are currently boring the tunnels from Midland, to goodfellows air force bad in San Angelo, then to ft hood in Killeen, then to college station, and finally Livingston…

    That more time for lifesaving isn’t what it seems… Once the body is pronounced dead the soul and spirit leave the body…

    The body will be taken underground and fitted with neurolink and ai uploaded or demons whatever…

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