Last Updated on April 21, 2021


There is no Doubt about the Delusion being continued in canady’s S.C. at the overcomer ministry after the death of false prophet and false brother Stair. james Rice is just a continuation of “all things Continue as they were “, as you can hear by his own words and Perverted Spirit he operates in. Remember now, it’s not what he says,But how you Hear what he says. Don’t overlook the Obvious brother’s and sisters. !! God bless


5 thoughts on “James Rice and False bro Rg Stair’s Jesus

  1. Hi brother. Great messages. I have just been in my house bringing on your messages that God put on your heart. Thanks for obeying God. I mainly listen to the messages on your YouTube account. I’ve listened to bro stair for years, even up to his death, since my grandfather built a church and would allow brother Stair to preach in his church. I always just accepted what Bro Stair said, because he would say always that God put his word in his mouth. When he died, I remember getting frightened. I remember saying to myself, “what about the 40 day revelation of judgement, and what about his dying from the Pope of Rome. This really troubled me until I got to your YouTube channel. That’s when I realized I’ve been following false teachings. I can say, I am humbled, and unsettled that I allowed myself to be misled. It was only until I came to your channel, that I have now realized the perversion of God’s word that was taught by bro Stair. I always excused it as these are people just persecuting him, because they were against God’s authority. After listening to your messages, I had to ask God to forgive me for being misled and believing lies. Thank God he uses your ministry to clear up error. Like I said, thank you for having the godly boldness to preach the truth. That truth has set me free from perversion and brought a true spirit of repentance upon me. God bless you brother.

    1. God bless brother Alex, your testimony is the primary purpose of revealing the working of Satan in men like false brother stair, but even more profound to destroy the yoke that people like Ralph placed on them by the Anointing of God’s Pure Holy Word.

  2. One more thing brother Alex, Your Testimony is Exactly what many of us had experienced as well. God bless you for your true Sincerity and courage for coming forward like you did with your comment. It will truly help others to be delivered from the lies as well !!

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