Perfecting that Which Lacketh in Our Faith ~ Brother Enoch 1-16-21


Last Updated on October 31, 2022


Just as Brother Enoch Quoted The Apostle Paul: 1 Thessalonians 3:10 Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?

Psalms 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

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2 thoughts on “Perfecting that Which Lacketh in Our Faith ~ Brother Enoch 1-16-21

  1. Bless you brother! Just writing to check in. I’ve been so blessed with this ministry and have grown so much in the Lord these past months, listening to the messages that God has you post. Thank you so much. As I have said in the past, this ministry that God has entrusted you with has cleared up years, and years of confusion that I was under, when I gave heed to Mr Stair’s ministry. I just wanted to know that I appreciate what God has you doing, and that I listen to the messages you post. Thanks for obeying God! It is such a blessing. Take care brother! God bless you!

    Bro Emanuel

    1. Thank you Brother Emanuel, You are always in our Prayers for God to Continue to Keep you From All Evil.
      GodSpeed Brother. Getting Ready For Another Blast of Truth soon in Regards to Rg Stair’s Downfall Through The Profound Witchcraft Workers of Rose Larivee & the man who Decieved Rg in so Many Ways ~ Dennis ~ to bring him to a Piece of Bread, as the Scriptures are Very Clear on this, that God will Have me Use to Explode this Satanic Stronghold with Pure ~ True ~ Inspiration & Anointing From The Almighty Himself. God Bless You and Your’s Always in Jesus Name Brother Emanuel

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