Last Updated on September 26, 2021


Here is The Full Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who Opposeth and Exalteth Himself Above All That is Called God, or That is Worshipped; So that he as God Sitteth in the Temple of God, Shewing Himself That He is God.

There has Not been another Man Like Rg Stair That Exalted Himself as You Will Clearly Hear in This Message and Ones to Come !!!

False Prophet Rg Stair & His False Witness is Clearly Revealed by His Own Words and Spirit !!

The Final Witness on YouTube

Truth Blaster on YouTube

The Final Witness on Bitchute

The Final Witness on Brighteon

The Final Witness on Rumble

The Final Witness on Onevsp


Related:  THE W.H.O. ~ ASTANA ~ and Much More

3 thoughts on “Rg Stair~ Shewing Himself That He is God

  1. Bless you brother Stan! Just a short note to let you know I’m hearing the messages and I’m being blessed by them. God has used you mightily to correct and expose so much of the false teachings that brother Stair propagated for years and years. And you have backed up everything thing with scripture! Praise the Lord brother! I can tell you, it’s such a blessing to get an alert when you posts a new videos. I have a hunger for truth, and that’s all I get here from this ministry that God has entrusted you with. I know I’m not the only one who is blessed by these messages. So I just wanted to encourage you to continue to do God’s will. My prayer is that you remain faithful and faint not! I thank God for the deliverance he has wrought in me, through this ministry. Through this ministry, God has cleared up and corrected years and years of false teachings and errors that I erroneously held on to from R G Stair. So God bless you and keep you is my prayer!

    1. Amen brother Emanuel, God Bless You for the Encouraging word’s and your Sound in the Faith Testimony of the Deliverance that God Does Perform through His Word being Backed up By His Spirit.
      Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his/Rg’s burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his/Rg’s yoke from off thy neck, and the Yoke shall be Destroyed Because of the Anointing.
      God’s Spirit Always Agrees with His Word ~ Not like Ralph had done for Years as to Pervert God’s Word to line up with His Perverted Spirit. May God continue to Strengthen You by His Spirit in The Inner Man. God Bless my dear brother in Christ!!!

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