What an Abomination Tim Cohen is to God's Word. How can ANY CHRISTIAN AFFORD to Buy this Merchandiser's Stuff...
God's Final Witness
What an Abomination Tim Cohen is to God's Word. How can ANY CHRISTIAN AFFORD to Buy this Merchandiser's Stuff...
2 Peter 2:3 And through Covetousness Shall They With Feigned Words MAKE MERCHANDISE of YOU: whose judgment now of...
This is The INTRO into the Thanksgiving Abomination This Year!!!
What a Wicked ~ Ungodly ~ Organization of True Merchandising and PERVERTING God's Word. Apostle Stan Johnson and His...
NO TRUE Christian Celebrates What The World HIGHLY ESTEEMS !!! Luke 16:15 For that which is Highly Esteemed among men...
What a PERVERSION of The Very Spirit and Word of God !!
An Excellent Description of The MEN Satan is USING to Setting up His Kingdom USING AI !!! Revelation 13:5...
The ELECTION of ALMIGHTY GOD !!! If You Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness This Message Will Fill Your Heart...
Very Enlightening TRUTH about The FAST Food and Most Food INDUSTRY Today, Extremely Dangerous Toxins in Most Food on...
NO WAY EVER Have These Perverted Men Ever Been Born Again, PERIOD !!
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. There is...
We are About to Enter Into The Fulness of The Day's of Noah and Lot as Jesus The Christ...
PROVERBS 1:24 ¶ Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man...
Identical Words that Billy Graham Used many Times in Interviews with People !!! WOW, What a Familiar Spirit !!...