Last Updated on May 11, 2021


As we continue with the Legacy & Testimony of the Lying Hypocrite Testator false brother and false prophet Rg Stair it just gets Clearer and Clearer how Satan does use men like Ralph Stair to corrupt the Very Word of God with Subtly. 2 Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers { Like Rg stair } also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Related:  Rg Stair ~ Satan's Masterpiece By Brother Milt Green ~ A Pure Heart Pt #6

2 thoughts on “The Legacy of Rg Stair ~ Ohio 2008

  1. God bless you brother. Your messages are timely and right on. I know it’s not you, but it’s the Holy Spirit within you that directs you as to what to speak, and that is the Truth, brother. I appreciate the effort and your willingness to obey God, and having the boldness to speak the truth. I thank God for that. It’s because of this, I have had to take a close look at myself and examine myself whether I was in the faith. Bro Stan, I was on my way to hell because of my receiving Stair’s application of scriptures and of the application of the Grace of God. Because of that application, I allowed myself to fall into some deep sins, because I started hearing that my sins don’t matter to God, and the flesh is going to sin. As I said before, I continued in this rebellion until God had me start listening to your messages. These messages literally knocked me on my face and caused me to examine if I really was born again. I have literally gone my whole life listening to R.G. Stair…even calling in on the radio and praising him, even going to sleep at night listening to his radio broadcast. I believed all these lies for many years. Thank God he rescued me from being damned, because that’s where I was headed. I pray that you continue with these much needed messages. I know they probably take a lot of time to put together, but they are definitely needed in this hour that we live in, as they blast the truth and expose lies. My full name is Emanuel Alexander Johnson. I mainly go by my middle name Alex now, because my first name Bro Emanuel associated me for years with Stair’s Overcomer Ministry, and I do not want to be associated with a ministry that propagates lies anymore. Yes, I am ashamed I allowed myself to be misled all these years. It took his death to direct me to this ministry where all of the lies I believed from the Overcomer are being exposed. In closing, looking back, two things would always trouble me, but I ignored them. One was when all the brothers like you started leaving the farm; and the second was his constant grabbing women’s butt. I was there at the 2019 Passover, and seeing that in person troubled me deeply. But like a fool, I did what most are doing, I excused it and put it under the rug. Through this ministry, the Truth Blaster, those things hidden under the rug were drug out and dealt with. I look forward to hearing your messages. God be with you brother. God bless you.

    1. God Bless you Brother Emanuel, we will continue to pray for you as we had at the Farm in Canady’s S.C. So very Encouraging and really touched my Heart Very Deeply to hear from you again and your Profound Truthful Testimony and Deliverance by The Anointing of God’s Word to your Heart.

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