Last Updated on April 24, 2022


Extremely Detailed Description of Rg Stair’s Spiritual Character and the Precise Way He Operated The Overcomer Ministry and The Farm !!!

Now Being Operated by The Witchcraft Workers of Iniquity Ahab Denny and Jezebel Rose Larivee with Their Little Puppet on a String James Rice !!

My My My, The Truth can and Will Set Anyone Free from This Toxic Environment Unless They Have Been Truly Given a STRONG DELUSION By God Because They Believed Not The Truth But Had Pleasure in Unrighteousness as Rg Stair Displayed For Many Many Years and Even Unto His End He Jusified His Adulterous and Sodomite Relationship with Rosie as Given to Him By God !!!

Wow, Will be Exploding about this Perversion very Soon !! God Bless brothers and sisters !!!


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